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Sensual Soul LOVEstack

You are love through and through.  With a mind filled with romance and a heart filled with passion, love is the only way you know to be.  Every touch is meant to be felt, every breath is meant to electrify and liven the body.  May your heart always be happy, your spirit always light and soul forever sensual!  The most magical combination of pink crystals creates this LOVEthirteen LOVEstack – pink opals, rose quartz, pink abalone, pink calcite and lavender Botswana agate.  Each adorned with sterling silver stardust accent beads and silver rhodium chain and tasseling. 7 inch stretch bracelets.


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Crystal Elements of the LOVEstack

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Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

Love-Thirteen - Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry

It’s More Than Jewelry ®

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Gift Card!

Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

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