
Spiritual Glamour Beaded Jewelry

Spiritual Glamour® brings two worlds together – the light and the dark. While the world today is so attached to the “light” qualities – beauty, success, sexy, love, freedom, happiness – LOVEthirteen acknowledges that it is BOTH the light and the darkness that makes us unique and human. Heather Wells, the founder and designer of LOVEthirteen, feels there is a sense of soul recognition as she interacts with owners of the pieces. Heather experiences a mutual sharing (whether in words, a look, or energetic exchange) of mirroring each other in the beauty, pain, loss and gifts of life. Spiritual Glamour® is about this very thing – that ALL of life, the light and the dark moments – the spiritual and the glamour moments – are all actually priceless blessings, helping us to live in the True space of who we are destined to be.

Spiritual Glamour® draws upon these three archetypes of women throughout history – Free Spirited (Yoko Ono), Spiritual (Mother Theresa), Glamorous (Marilyn Monroe). The Spiritual Glamour® woman is a blending of all of these – like designer Heather Wells says, “Faith Hill for example – Singer, Wife, Mother – she’s living it all! She’s free as she offers her gift of music to the world, you can feel her gratitude for the life she’s living, and glamorous? Come on, look at her!”

LOVEthirteen believes that as women, we can’t be put into one box…impossible! How many shoes does your typical fashionista own? LOVEthirteen believes that we all have a little bit of that free-spirited youth inside of us. That deep down, we all have some sort of remembrance that peace and love is always the best choice, following in the paths of wise and ancient yogis. And even if you don’t believe you do, all women posses the alluring and captivating beauty of the glam girl. This is all true just for being a woman connected to her femininity.

LOVEthirteen was actually birthed from Heather stepping into and claiming these three major roles – she’s always been a glamour girl at heart, and with her steady application of her yogic and spiritual practices she tapped into the essence of “freedom to create.” This guided her to start offering her special and unique gifts and talents to the world. Heather stepped into the definition of “spiritual glamour®.” Having been led to her offerings through the darkness and pain of losing her mother, Heather is inspired to hold space and create pieces that support women on their own journeys through the glamorous and not so glamorous (spiritual) moments of life.

Spiritual Glamour® jewelry combines the aesthetically pleasing elements of finely crafted and designed jewelry with spiritual meaning, intentions and healing properties. The pieces combine gold wrapped crystals and glittery chain-fringe tassels (that are consistently drawing attention and compliments) with spiritual purpose and meaning. Like the stones of opal, that enhances one’s cosmic consciousness and also helps someone return to the root of who they really are. Spiritual Glamour® isn’t just about jewelry that just looks good, but pieces that look good, feel good and attract good.

What Spiritual Glamour® Jewelry Offers

Spiritual Glamour® jewelry offers permission to those women who are integrating the woman they are in this physical plane – mothers, lovers, partners, sisters, daughters, business owners, professionals – with the Goddess and powerful co-creator of their True Self.  LOVEthirteen believes that this process of integrating the multi-dimensional aspects of being “a woman” can help to support individuals in their daily life, bringing a deeper sense of connection to all that is. This feeling of “oneness” can remind women that all is as it should be, that we can trust in the unfolding of life, and that no matter what…we will be okay.

The pieces of LOVEthirteen’s spiritual glamour® jewelry collection help to clear energy, cultivate qualities or shield negativity while the owner of the piece wears it – whether they know it or even believe it or not. The power of the material in LOVEthirteen’s spiritual glamour® pieces works below the surface of the physical or mental realm. The true magic and power of LOVEthirteen’s pieces are what happens on the emotional, soulful and spiritual level of the owner.

This is emphasized in how soon-to-be owners gravitate towards particular pieces without knowing anything about the stones or crystals making up the piece. Yet once the pieces are explained, the energetic and healing properties of each part, the person immediately knows they have found their piece, or their “piece” has found them.

For a glamorous look to truly be successful it needs to have an element of effortless ease. LOVEthirteen’s collection of spiritual glamour® jewelry embodies just that – effortless beauty. Whether you slide on a single bracelet or stack 5 to 8 on both wrists, LOVEthirteen’s spiritual glamour® pieces look natural and effortless with the raw earth materials, glammed up (and balanced out) with the high quality chain-fringe that adds just the right amount of sparkle.

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Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Love-Thirteen - Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry

It’s More Than Jewelry ®

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

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