
Home & Healing

The NEW Home & Healing Crystal Collection by LOVEthirteen has been curated to support you in BEing exactly what you wish to BE in your space. Just as you have come to expect miracles from wearing LOVEthirteen, expect miracles by living with blessed LOVEthirteen crystals in your home and space! Seeking vitality, strength, and wellbeing? Bring a quartz cluster, tower, point or angel quartz into your space. Seeking a refreshed and clear sense of being? Welcome and agate slice into your space and notice how the space lifts and detoxifies itself of heavy weight. Seeking heightened intuition and harmonious ease and flow? Welcome an amethyst into your space and watch as she brings neutrality and brightened awareness within.

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Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Grab Your $25 Gift Card!

Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

Love-Thirteen - Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry

It’s More Than Jewelry ®

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Grab Your $25
Gift Card!

Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

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